Uzair Qureshi Memorial Scholarship Fund
Uzair Qureshi was diagnosed with cancer in 2013 and passed away after a year and a half battle in 2015. Uzair was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a rare type of bone and soft tissue cancer.
He attended SJHHS throughout his battle against cancer and passed away during his junior year. Uzair was passionate about school, he loved to learn new things and see his friends every day. He pushed himself to still attend school as much as he could during his treatment. Uzair loved to play the viola since elementary school and continued to do so at SJHHS. He was a passionate swimmer and swam competitively during high school as well.
After his passing on February 14th, 2015, the very first concert in memory of Uzair was held by his friends and Mr. McElroy. From there, the Qureshi Family and Mr. McElroy created the Uzair Qureshi Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Each year since then, scholarships are given to graduating senior students to help them in their future academic endeavors. Two types of scholarships are awarded, Academic and Instrumental Music. The funds for the Academic scholarships are raised outside of the school. The Instrumental Music scholarships are awarded to students within the instrumental Music program at SJHHS who participated in the program throughout high school and plan on continuing their education, whether it be at a two or four year institution.
Your donation will help us expand our foundation to award more scholarships to students as the instrumental music program continues to grow. We appreciate any donation at all and will use it towards helping students at SJHHS accomplish their goals.