This section will go over the highlights of the syllabus, including Program Vision, Concert Dress, Funding, Volunteer Needs, Grading Procedures, and Needed Materials. Please click here for the full version of the syllabus for all classes.

Concert Dress

The dress code for concerts is below. If any students cannot come up with these items, please contact Mr. McElroy no fewer than 2 weeks before the concert for assistance:

  • Black dress that is either floor length, but no shorter than ‘tea-length’.  There should be no other color – even as an accent.  Nylons, if worn, need to be either black or nude.  There are no strict rules regarding necklines or shoulders, but please find a style that communicates elegance, class, and professionalism. Alternatively, an all-black pant/blouse combination may be used. Shoes must be black. Open toes are OK, but the shoe must still be all black.

  •  Tux ‘look’ - Black shoes, black socks, black pants, white tux shirt (vertical pleats), black jacket, black bow tie.  Students do not need to purchase a tux ensemble.  A black suit with a tux shirt and black bow tie is sufficient.  A cumber bun or vest is not required, but may be worn as long as they are all black.

Program Vision

The below vision is the ‘official’ version, but it’s a bit dry. To hear Mr. McElroy describe it a bit more eloquently, please go to about/Mr. McElroy above

The vision of the instrumental music program at San Juan Hills High School is to give all students an encounter of the ‘creative experience’ through music performance.  The creative experience is the personal interaction that one has while creating, critically analyzing, and performing music.  Students will encounter music on several different levels as defined through the California State Framework including, but not limited to artistic perception, creative expression, historical and cultural context, and aesthetic valuing.  All students of varying artistic aptitude and prior experience will receive quality instruction at the appropriate level, with a focus of challenging them to reach a greater level of artistry.  Students who have the aptitude and desire to pursue music at a profession will be given the full opportunity through quality instruction and a variety of course offerings for them to reach their goal.  However, the primary focus will be to bring the ‘creative experience’ to all students of San Juan Hills High School to the end result that all students bring a ‘creative spirit’ and critical analysis to all of their life challenges.

 As a result of this vision, the following policies will shape key decisions that are made about the program:


  • Performances are highly valued, and are considered to be important vehicles for students to encounter the creative experience. They are, however, only one vehicle, and are not considered to be the only assessment model of a quality program. Quality of performance will always be valued more than quantity of performance, and performing groups should only perform as often as they can produce a quality product while still maintaining a comprehensive curriculum that allows students to encounter the creative experience in areas that are not demonstrated through performance. In short there are 2 top priorities – quality of performance, and artistic development.


  • The time, financial, and energy resources of the school, department, parents, staff, and students are finite, and must first be utilized to meet the primary goal of giving the students a comprehensive creative experience as described in the vision statement. Competitions, travel, school and community service, and other events are wonderful educational opportunities that are encouraged, but not at the expense of the primary vision. The activity level of the program may only grow to the extent that the above mentioned resources allow while keeping in line with the overall school vision that students are to experience many various activities on campus.


The SJHHSPAB (Performing Arts Boosters) is our department-wide booster club. Each discipline has a VP that makes up the board. Though we work together for the benefit of all disciplines (Choir, dance, drama, instrumental music), our financial accounts are separate, and your donations go directly to benefit instrumental music. There are no ‘fees’ to be part of this program, and all students can fully participate in the program without any financial requirements. However, for those families who can, we ask for a donation to the program. Please read about this in more detail by going to Purchases/Donations above.

Parent Volunteers

There are many opportunities for parents to support our music program, and we welcome your support. The marching band needs help with uniforms and performance preparation. We need help with the box office and lobby area during concerts. We host a major 3 day festival in March that requires parent help. We also need people to grill and help with meals at certain activities. Mr. McElroy will email needs as they arise, but if you want to be on a general list for our VP of Instrumental Music, Julie Strope, please contact her here.

Grading Polices

For all music classes, the grading breakdown is as such:

  • Daily Participation - 50% - This includes attendance, attention in class, having the required materials

  • Musical Progress - 20% - This includes scales, theory, listening assignments, demonstration of improvement on literature, and any other class assignments

  • Performances - 30% - This includes dress rehearsals and concerts. Performances are required events. Students are part of a group activity that rely on each member for their collective success. That being said, things happen. Please read below regarding what is considered an excused and unexcused absence. This is for both attendance (including evening marching band rehearsals) and performances.


It has always been the vision of SJHHS that students should be able to explore multiple interests, including arts, sports, clubs, and other activities. Wind Ensemble and Chamber Orchestra are the advanced music groups on campus. Students who audition into these groups are expected to treat them as if they are a varsity sport. Concerts are expected to be your top priority. Students who cannot make this commitment should be in our concert band, sinfonia orchestra, or string ensemble. Those courses are designed for students who cannot make that level of commitment. That being said, all groups are expected to make arrangements to be at every rehearsal and concert, and to communicate no fewer than 2 weeks in advance of an absence (when possible). Often, conflicts can be worked out, but when communicated the day of (or an email when the event starts), it is impossible to solve the conflict. Therefore, even if there’s no solution to a conflict, no conflicts will be excused if not communicated at least 2 weeks in advance. Also, that conflict must be communicated by the student or parent. Having a friend communicate an absence is not acceptable. Here are some examples of unexcused conflicts:

  • too much homework/big test to study for

  • family vacations during days that school is in session

  • concert tickets

  • relatives coming in out of town

  • birthdays/family birthdays

  • too tired

For sports conflicts, I expect Wind Ensemble and Chamber Orchestra members to prioritize our concert. For groups, we need to discuss the conflict with your coach. We have 4 concerts and 1 festival. Most sports have many more games, matches, etc. Is the conflict a Frosh/Soph non-league pre-season game, or is it a varsity CIF game? Can your parent pick you up after the game and get you to rehearsal a bit late? These are conversations that need to be had before excusing for a school conflict, which is why the 2 weeks notice is a requirement.

Required Materials

The following items need to be brought to school every class period to receive full points for class:

  • Instrument

  • Pencil (music may not be written on in pen)

  • Music

  • Maintenance supplies depending on instrument (cleaning rag, valve oil, slide grease, peg compound, cork grease, neck strap, etc.)

  • Mutes (as needed for the literature)

  • Extra reeds (2 minimum) for reed instruments, Extra strings (minimum one each) for string instrument, Extra string for French horns