Upcoming Events
An email went out to families providing more details on the many events in March. To access that information, please click here.
March 18-20 - Instrumental Music Festival at SJHHS. Full Schedule Job Signups
Chamber Orchestra 3/18 at 6PM
Symphony Orchestra 3/18 AND 3/20 at 7:30 PM
Wind Ensemble 3/19 at 7:30 PM
Concert Band 3/19 at 3:45 PM
Sinfonia Orchestra 3/20 at 6PM
March 22nd - Swallows Day Parade (drumline only), Times and info TBA
March 25th - Concert, all groups, 7PM. Purchase Tickets Here
March 31st - Segerstrom Festival, Advanced groups only. Ticket information. Purchase lunch at Maggiano’s
April 23-26, Les Miserables Tickets on Sale Now. Get them Here!!!